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Rare Bird Sasha Titchkosky takes Koskela and Australian furniture to the world

Koskela has won “Best Retailer in Australia” by GIA

We’ve got really exciting news! (Really, really exciting news!) Koskela has won, by unanimous vote, the GIA’s “Best Retailer in Australia” award! We’re so incredibly honoured and thankful to be nominated to be selected as a standout. We wholeheartedly believe the Australian retail market is unique in the global scene and pretty darn amazing, which makes it all the more incredible to receive this award. We’re now on our way to Chicago at the beginning of March to represent Australia in the international level. The International Housewares Assoc. has a trade fair/awards ceremony every year. We’re crossing our fingers that we’ll do well against the 23 other international winners, but more importantly get exposure for all the great #Australianmade goods that fill our retail space. Thanks to all of our suppliers, customers and staff who make Koskela such a fantastic shopping experience – officially one of the best in the country.
Gift Guide, who represent GIA in Australia, published this article on us recently.

Content Via Koskela.com.au and GiftGuide