Author, Speaker, Coach.
Bree James has always been an entrepreneur – from the young age of ten she was selling Avon to make some extra dollars from her neighbours and school teachers. It was a natural progression to start her first business at 18. In 2007 when she could not find a suitable medium to market this business, she created her own media company to get the message out. Back then, businesses didn’t have websites & digital media to market themselves, so she created a niche parenting magazine to help. Even though Bree had never worked in the print industry, written a story, or sold advertising & didn’t yet have any children of her own, she had a vision and was prepared to work hard to make it happen.
Since those humble beginnings, she has not only survived but thrived in the industry for nearly 16 years. During this time she printed over 4.5 million magazines and 438 editions, more editions than any other privately owned publisher in Australia. The successful “PakMag” brand is well known to families right across North Queensland and boasted a monthly readership base of 72,000 through three separate magazines printed for three cities: Cairns, Townsville and Mackay. The business evolved into more than just a magazine in 2017 to also have the PakMag Parents Podcast, YouTube Channels PakMag TV, Bree James TV, & Parents & Kids of North Queensland YouTube channels that get over 18,000 hours of views every single month.
In 2020, she wrote her second Book, My Vision Book which is a tool to help people solidify the vision they want for their life. There are 4 other books in the series. This project led Bree down the personal development and business coaching path, and she’s done a lot of training in this space to build her skills not only as a business coach but also as a Transformational Coach. This has meant she can coach people on a deeper level using a range of skills from NLP, Spiral, Emotional Clearing, and Kinesiology to name a few modalities.
In reality, Bree is an advocate for people, a solutions finder, and when she sees a problem she works out a solution or builds a business that solves it.